Plastic Sally Looking for Love

Winter can be HARD on Sally. There is only so much she can do with her dress. She wears more...sans bikini for now. Pretty red sweater. Love the dress,love the shoes, love the lights. Alas, Sally is trying her best. The wave is not JUST for selling the tires, for which she is paid handsomely. The wave is for a man...a plastic man. How do I know? It's all in the hip. Her perky hip is positioned to attract ahem, plastic. Tall plastic, short plastic, rich plastic poor no, nobody wants poor plastic. Dustin Hoffman would do just fine, but he missed his chance to make it big in plastics. Her problem appears to be that she lives around mostly brick and concrete, not plastic. Perhaps a move to China, where they grow plastic, would net her a real, plastic man. Ken would do just fine. Barbie is not big enough to fight off Sally.


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