The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Everytown


Every big city in America is now Everytown. 

Everytowns didn’t exist two years ago. America has gone from the American dream country to dystopia dotting the landscape. A walk-through shows a low-success population with low hopes seemingly dead-set on a life of cheap entertainment and rap music. Garbage-strewn streets and fearing impending harm no longer are looked down upon. Productive hopefuls have given in to Klaus Schwab and his Forth Reich. Complying with its goals without question makes everyone part of the team.

System-generated advertisements on computer screens repeat calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Fearing the death star of climate change is a virtue. The ever-larger Reich's role in all lives is the highest virtue. Sidewalks of plain, non-expressive faces with eyes avoiding other eyes told the story. It's clear. Exchange compliance to the filth and fear for safety. Unwavering acceptance of unquestioned orders is the new rule. Most walk with AirPods in their ears talking to someone somewhere, unaware of anyone next to them. Those who appear to have neither motivation nor means surprisingly have the pricey AirPods and do the same. Why does the population accept filth, danger, uncertainty, and programmed failure from the Reich? I come up with no answer. They appear to WANT someone to save them. The Reich has dug them the hole and is now offering them a ladder, just not as deep as the hole. It claims to know what is best for everyone and resisting will not be tolerated. It owns all means of force and the population has only its hands to defend itself. 

The Fourth Reich OWNS Everytown...thoroughly. It IS the clanging symbol. If it completes its goals on time, Everytown citizens will own nothing and will comply with the order to be happy by 2030; the Time of Dystopia. The Reich and its compliant population are missing an important life feature.

1 Cor 13: If I could speak all the languages of earth and the angels, but did not love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging symbol.


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