Christopher Columbus


Chris did ALOT more for America than the current crop of teachers give him credit for. Or, specifically, it is only the current crop of gullible teachers that never learned to factor the environment into anything. I digress...This was the bar restaurant he discovered, purchased, and updated to modern cooking and service techniques in 1492. It was previously a maize hut open only for lunch. With Chris' guidance and forethought, it became the benchmark for Italian American food and restaurants very early in US history. The quick start gave Italian restaurants a leg up over Chinese and French restaurants and it shows hands down. With the help of Dino Martino, Americus Vespucci, the early, Ratus Packus, and Victor Damonius, it also became the predecessor restaurant to literally all Las Vegas eateries. Further, the new gambling town of Las Vegan has been designed around this very photo. This photo was found in the hold of the Santa Maria in 1493 and has been kept flat in a copy of the Restaurant Manager's Handbook since then. It is amazing what one sailor can accomplish when he sets his mind to it. I DO wonder, though...did Chris get a tattoo of this on his forearm?


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